Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day10: 90 days trial, counting my calories to accelerate my weight loss

I feel so frustrated and do not understand why my weight loss does not keep on. I have weighted myself all the week-end and on Saturday (we are Thursday today) my weight increased and has been stable and high since!!! 

For some unexplained reasons! I had lost about 4 pounds in less than a week, was happy and hoping for the best, but my weight increased of 3 pounds, leaving me with a low score of only 1 pound lost, which is far below the object if of 3 to 5 pounds a week. 

I have taken my green coffee extract very consistently though and do not understand why this is happening to me. I am still in the middle of my pills and should not be taking water weight due to my periods!!!!!!!

One of my best friends has managed to lose 9 pounds in 3 weeks and I am stuck with my 1 lbs when I should have lost close to 8 pounds now!!!!!!!!!

So I have decided to Fight and reduce my food intake ore significantly. Livestrong website has some advises regarding a 4 lbs/week diet. See link :

1. you have to calculate how many calories a day you should be eating using the formula provided below.
Females use a different equation:
655 + (4.7 x height) + (4.35 x weight) - (4.7 x age) 
Read more:

According to this calculation, my Calories allowance per day should be no more than : 1430/day to maintain my weight.

2. you have to reduce your diet of 500 calories per day for each lb of fat lost per week. So, if I want to loose 4 lbs a week, it means I have to reduce my calories intake of 2000 calories... Impossible!!!!!!!!!
I have decided to target to loose 2 lbs a week instead and cut only 1000 calories per day, leaving me with 430 calories per day. Does that sound realistic? Not really!!!!

3. I am going to try to write my menu for everyday in order not to start craving and eating any junk food available. I am planning to eat a lot of greens, vegetables, tofu, edamame, low fat dairy and some lights fruits: pears, oranges, grapefruits and reduce meat to poultry with no more than 6oz/meal.

I am working on my weekly diet right now and will share as soon as available.
Also, NO chocolate cake for today, even if it is Valentines day.
Finally, I have also joined a gym and went exercising everyday since Monday, 4 days, so far!

If you have already tried green coffee bean extract, please share your experiences with me. have I been doing something wrong? I am desperate to lose my extra 25 pounds and really need it to work this time.


  1. Thanks for sharing your experience,it shows that green coffee works in loosing the weight
    Green Coffee Advance

  2. The experience which has been shared regarding green coffee is really amazing and I have also seen good changes in my body.

    Igreenpod Kickstarter Project

  3. Counting calories is a such a hectic job. How easy would it be if a person doesn't have to count anything, a just a cup of green coffee would do it all for you. Losing weight wouldn't be any easier then. Thanks for sharing this useful information.

    Finn Felton
